


人数は限定されますが、ツバル人がオーストラリアに移住できるという内容を核にした『Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union treaty』の調印式がトンガのヌクアロファで開催されました。ツバルからTeo首相、オーストラリアからはAnthony Albanese首相が調印して、2024年8月28日、パシフィック・アイランド・フォーラム開催中に条約発効となりました。




Today is a special day, marking the entry into force of the Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union.
It’s a high level diplomatic agreement that brings our two countries closer than ever before.
Climate change poses unique threats to small island states in the Pacific.
And this world-first union means Australia recognises that Tuvalu’s statehood will continue, even in the face of the worst climate impacts.
In the first year, up to 280 Tuvaluans will have the choice to come to Australia to visit, live, work and study.
And in the event of major natural disasters, pandemics or military aggression, Australia will be there at Tuvalu’s request.
As Pacific countries, our security interests are intertwined.
And under this union we commit to work together on security and defence arrangements in an enduring partnership.
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