
Lectures and exhibitions

We hold lectures year round using art and photography to illustrate Tuvaluan life and culture. Through these lectures we seek to raise awareness to the situation in Tuvalu and usher the world community into taking positive action to remedy a problem that ultimately affects us all. We have received overwhelmingly positive reactions from audiences worldwide.

Many people have expressed gratitude for facilitating them with an opportunity to think about their lifestyle.

The lecture meeting has been widely held from in elementary school to in enterprise.
Appearance of lecture meeting held with COP13 in Bali , December, 2007

Appearance of photograph exhibition held in Fuji Film headquarters building in 2008. Title of this photograph exhibition is "Beautiful green and water that wants to defend".

We have organized eco-tourism in Tuvalu since 2003. Participants are greeted with Tuvaluan dance and local style meals; and offered tours of the capital island of Funafuti which has been badly damaged by the rising sea. It is an unforgettable experience. Please visit our website if you would like more information about eco-tourism.
Funafuti branch Activity
Japanese and Tuvaluan staffs have managed several projects including:
  • Planting mangroves at FUNAFUTI atoll
  • Repairing the water supply system to each house
  • Providing information and interviews for the media
  • Coordinating a number of aid projects promoted by various companies and organizations.
The mangrove afforestation project is promoted jointly with a local person. This project is supported by the capital from "Cosmo oil eco card fund".
We are cooperating with the company. For Example, coordination of TV or MOVIE program production, acceptance and operation of contribution goods, etc.

Copyright 2007 NPO Tuvalu Overview. All rights reserved.